Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween at Sea World

October 31 found us crawling out of bed. Our bodies cried for more sleep. It was 9 o'clock but with the late night and time change it was difficult. We decided to visit Sea World. This was a new experience for me. I had never been to one before.

Sunday we spent the day at Sea World. It was amazing watching the dolphins, killer whales and other sea life. Being with Mr. Hanks makes it more amazing as he would tell us all about each specie. Frogs and their habitates. Jelly Fish were very interesting.

We road a roller coaster that mimics a sting ray. It was different being on the ride facing the ground. It moved every which way and very quickly. I was glad to get my feet on solid ground.

In the killer whale show we got drenched. It was neat getting to see a three week old killer whale. The mother has to swim constantly as the baby doesn’t know totally how to. The mother went from eating 100 pounds of fish each day to around 300. I enjoyed watching them perfom and jump. We learned that many trainers get killed because the whale becomes attached and is playful with them but being smaller the playfulness kills the trainer.

The dolphins were much faster in the water. It was fun watching the trainers ride the dolphins. Everything at Sea World was new to me.

Students with the dolphin trainers.

Students learning about Manatees.
 Manatees are endangered. They are injuried by boats. Sea World rescues them. I enjoyed the girls asking questions and documenting notes. We have good visits in the evenings about what they learned and liked. I look forward to reading their reflections. Check out more info

 Female on her backside swimming. Very pretty sight.

Baneza holding half of a rib bone. It was very heavy. These are national treasures. Because the Mantaees are endangered. It is against the law to own one. The bone can be used for educational purposes. They have to account for each one and that is why it is numbered.


Students were very engaged. They used their cell phones to take pictures so they could text information home. They learned a lot.

                                                        Fun Fish...dolphin show.

                                                       What an amazing day!

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